adesso insurance solutions appoints Sven Schlünzen to the Management Board
Sven Schlünzen joined the management of adesso insurance solutions GmbH, a provider of standard software for the insurance industry and a wholly owned subsidiary of adesso SE, in January 2025.
As Managing Director for Sales, Schlünzen will be responsible for all of the company’s sales activities in future. This includes the sales management of the traditional software business as well as the strategic development of the existing business model. Schlünzen will also lead the expansion into new market opportunities, including the platform business, while strengthening collaboration with existing customers and partners. In his new role, he will report directly to Dr Andreas Nolte, Spokesman of the Management Board of adesso insurance solutions.
New project completed with success: SOKA-BAU migrates two million policies with adesso
- Migration project as part of the modernization of the system landscape
- Three million cross-client migrated life insurance policies testify to adesso's project expertis
Earlier this month, SOKA-BAU, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, migrated a total of 1.94 million life insurance policies with the help of adesso insurance solutions.Currently in the midst of a full-scale digitization project designed to automate business processes, SOKA-BAU hopes to create the basis for further digitization and therefore opted for the policy management system in|sure PSLife from adesso insurance solutions.
Efficient benefit management: The Versicherungskammer Group continues to put its trust in adesso insurance solutions
- Group plans to implement in|sure Health Claims into existing systems
- Increased automation in the management of benefits
The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) are continuing to modernize their systems with software from adesso insurance solutions.
After opting for the in|sure Health Policy management system in February 2023, Germany's largest public insurer then decided to implement the in|sure Health Claims benefit management system from the Dortmund software specialists for both its health and long-term care insurance. During the four-year project, adesso insurance solutions will work closely with the VKB Group to help incorporate and customize the new software, and will also take over the maintenance of the system.21.11.2023
Focus on generational differences: How do policyholders' needs differ in the event of a claim?
In the event of a claim - from a minor annoyance to a highly emotional crisis situation - insurers must prove their legitimacy and meet individual expectations. A joint white paper by Versicherungsforen Leipzig and adesso insurance solutions gets to the bottom of the question of whether the needs of the generations are really as different as is often claimed. The core of the white paper is the question of what role digitality plays for customers in the event of a claim and whether a change in their needs can be observed across the different generations. The basis for answering these questions is an online survey conducted in September 2023 among 800 German insurance customers aged between 18 and 73.
Dr. Andreas Nolte appointed spokesman for the management of adesso insurance solutions
Nolte will join the leadership team of adesso insurance solutions GmbH with effect from 1 January 2024, taking on the role of spokesman for the management. A mathematics graduate and actuary with a PhD in computer science, he became managing director of Afida GmbH in early 2023 and has been in charge of the company’s runoff business based on the in|sure platform. Nolte previously worked for the Allianz Group for many years, ten of which as CIO. He succeeds Oliver von Ameln, who is leaving the management of adesso insurance solutions as part of a reorganisation.
adesso insurance solutions has a new solution for settling pension and unemployment insurance contributions from nursing care
- in|sure Health Securaid for private health insurers and benefit agencies
- A software alternative to the solution that is currently available on the market will become available as early as this year
adesso insurance solutions will offer private health insurance companies in|sure Health Securaid, a state-of-the-art software for settling pension and unemployment insurance contributions from nursing care. It also determines payments from nursing care leave and nursing care support allowance. Before the end of the year, this will provide private health insurers with an alternative to the solution that is currently available on the market. The Dortmund-based experts for insurance software are thus expanding their product portfolio within the area of long-term care insurance.
adesso insurance solutions restructures management
adesso insurance solutions GmbH is reorganizing its management team: Managing directors Dr. Alfred Bröckers and Dr. Michael Höhnerbach will retire in the middle of the year and will remain on the management board until then. On March 1, 2023, Jörg Treiner and Dr. Dirk Platz will also be appointed as new managing directors.
Future-proof proposal and proposal management systems: the Versicherungskammer Group trusts adesso insurance solutions
- Modernization of policy management for private health insurance
- Enhancement of the experience of customers and sales partners thanks to the development of new methods for rates, quotes, and proposals
The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) have opted for the software of adesso insurance solutions to modernize the proposal and policy systems of their private health insurance. After an intensive selection process with several joint workshops and a technical proof of concept, the insurance group chose in|sure Health Policy (including the in|sure Health Collective modules) for its collective business, and in|sure Proposal Health for its proposal system.
Continue reading11.01.2023
InterRisk Versicherungs-AG: Future-oriented focus on the application environment with adesso insurance solutions
- Insurance company chooses in|sure Ecosphere for SaaS operation
- Investment in future technological capability
- Increasing customer benefit and improving competitiveness
InterRisk Versicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group is planning to modernize its entire application environment and is counting on the component-based architecture of in|sure Ecosphere from adesso insurance solutions. The standard software in|sure Ecosphere offers fully digitalised inventory management and claims management system operations, as well as a "product engine" and essential "peripheral systems". In a selection process that included a comprehensive proof of concept, the adesso subsidiary triumphed over its competitors.
Continue reading14.12.2022
Modernizing the application landscape: Continentale Versicherungsverbund relies on adesso insurance solutions
- Replacing host-based legacy systems with in|sure software
- Long-term maintenance agreement signed
With the goal of comprehensively modernizing its application landscape, the Continentale Versicherungsverbund has decided on software made by adesso insurance solutions. In order to achieve faster turnaround times and a higher straight through processing rate in its Composite Division, the Dortmund-based insurer relies on in|sure General Claims for claims management. The Composite Division will also be using in|sure General Policy for its portfolio management going forward. A long-term maintenance agreement has been concluded for both components.
Continue reading01.09.2022
Expansion: adesso insurance solutions establishes subsidiary in Switzerland
- adesso insurance solutions Switzerland GmbH under the management of Maik Fettig
- Switzerland as the strongest foreign market with cultural, organizational and regulatory similarities
adesso insurance solutions GmbH is growing and expanding into neighboring countries: Under the leadership of Maik Fettig as Managing Director, adesso insurance solutions Schweiz GmbH will use the tailwind of the German parent company to expand existing customer relationships and win new insurance companies as customers. To this end, solutions from the in|sure Ecosphere that are specifically tailored to the Swiss market will serve the needs of Swiss insurance companies, in both the digitalization and modernization of their IT.
Continue reading23.06.2022
Life insurance has a future if it renews itself
- Political, economic, environmental and technological factors are driving the change
- In the future, the market will be increasingly dominated by biometric products and unit-linked policies without guarantees
- Differences and opportunities in Europe: six business models
Dortmund, June 23, 2022 – The “Business Model Life Insurance 2025 - 2030 – A European Perspective” study published by adesso insurance solutions and Versicherungsforen Leipzig forecasts the further development of the business model and offers guidance for the strategic orientation of life insurers.
Continue reading
The persistent low interest rate environment, European regulations, the increasing relevance of neo-brokers and the topic of sustainability: the life insurance business is undergoing major changes which are being driven by political, economic, environmental and technological factors. This, on the one hand, presents insurers with major challenges, and on the other hand, it opens up completely new opportunities for continuing to operate profitably in the future.26.04.2022
New business model: Two pension funds in Cologne, Germany, are getting fit for the future with software from adesso insurance solutions
- Solutions for portfolio management, the official reporting system, partner management and a system for the settlement of pension payments are being implemented
- A long-term maintenance agreement was signed.
Dortmund, Cologne, April 26, 2022 – In order to comprehensively modernize their application landscapes, the pension funds Pensionskasse der Caritas VVaG (PKC) and Kölner Pensionskasse VVaG i.L. (KPK) have opted for standard software from adesso insurance solutions' in|sure Ecosphere product family. PKC and KPK have also signed long-term maintenance agreements. The implementation project was launched on April 1, 2022 and is planned to run for almost two years. The aim is to keep the system landscape and the processes sustainable in the long run and to use additional strategic potentials for the new business models of the two German pension funds.
Continue reading28.02.2022
adesso insurance solutions acquires a majority stake in the pension strategy consulting firm RIES Corporate Solutions
- adesso insurance solutions takes an important step towards becoming a comprehensive benefits consultant and service provider
- The bundling of IT excellence and strategic consulting on all aspects of occupational pension schemes and working time accounts for companies and product providers in the field of pensions in Germany
adesso insurance solutions GmbH has acquired a majority stake in the pension strategy consulting firm RIES Corporate Solutions GmbH. As a specialist for benefit administration software, adesso has thus further expanded its own range of services in the field of occupational benefits (occupational pension schemes, working time accounts and partial retirement) and has integrated legal, strategic, business management and actuarial consulting, as well as insolvency protection and administration, into its portfolio.
Continue reading25.03.2021
In the future, private health insurance must offer more than reimbursement for services
A study published today by adesso insurance solutions and the Leipzig insurance forums provides a clear picture of the German healthcare system in the years to come, as well as the role of private health insurance (PHI) in this sector.
- Demographics and the pandemic pose challenges to the healthcare system.
- The implementation of digital technologies opens the doors to new, additional services.
- Policy holders expect more active support and guidance from their health insurance providers.
The pension fund of the employees of the Hoechst Group becomes a pilot customer for the new product in|sure PenPay
The Pensionskasse der Mitarbeiter der Hoechst-Gruppe VVaG, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, has decided to comprehensively renew its application landscape based on products from adesso insurance solutions GmbH. Furthermore, a long-term maintenance agreement was also signed. The project has begun on March 1, 2021 and will run for approx. four years. The aim is to keep the system landscape and processes future-proof over the long term and to exploit further strategic potential in the product portfolio and digitization.
With the pension fund of the employees of the Hoechst Group, adesso insurance solutions won the first customer for its new product, in|sure PenPay. The already diversified product portfolio for pension funds and company pension schemes is thus expanded by adesso insurance solutions to include a settlement system for benefits from the bAV.
Die Bayerische relies on the in|sure GovInterface IT solution for its communications with authorities
Die Bayerische has opted for the in|sure GovInterface product developed by the adesso insurance solutions software company. As part of the in|sure Ecosphere application landscape, in|sure GovInterface is the IT solution for the processing of individual contracts for statutory reporting to the authorities. "As a first step, we would like to put our communications with authorities associated with Riester pension contracts on a new footing. As an insurer, we're also faced with the challenge of efficiently handling the current and future reporting requirements of the authorities. The in|sure GovInterface product from adesso insurance solutions is the perfect IT solution for us. It imports all available data from the necessary systems via one interface each, checks this data for relevance to the various registration procedures, prepares the data accordingly and reports it to the authorities as a data record. This means that we only have minimal need to adapt our own systems/interfaces. The software thus ensures that the reports are complete and also offers a very wide range of functions for all relevant lines of business," says Michael Brand, Managing Director of die Bayerische IT GmbH.
Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgruppe introduces in|sure PSLife for the life insurance division
Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgruppe from Hannover has decided to introduce in|sure PSLife by adesso insurance solutions. In the future, both new business and existing contracts in the life insurance division will be administrated based on in|sure. The go-live with all the current insurance products and rates plus the accompanying portfolio processing is planned for the beginning of 2022. By the end of 2023, all contracts with older rates are expected to have been migrated to the modern administration software.
Pension fund pushes ahead with digitization: SOKA-BAU builds on proven products from adesso insurance solutions
SOKA-BAU renews existing system landscape in policy management adesso insurance solutions delivers policy management system in|sure PSLife and software solution MIGSuite for data migration
Project duration: 2020 to 2023SOKA-BAU chose the policy management system in|sure PSLife and the software solution MIGSuite for data migration from adesso insurance solutions. This means that by the middle of 2023, one of the largest pension funds in Germany will have completely reorganized the way it keeps track of its funded pension products. With this alliance, adesso insurance solutions confirms its leading role as a partner for medium-sized pension companies.
adesso insurance solutions wins DEVK for the introduction of further in|sure products
- Sales volume: almost EUR 5 million
- Project duration: until the end of 2022
- in|sure-product family: software solutions for life insurance portfolio management, administration system for the bAV and software for data migration
The pension fund of DEVK AG has chosen the in|sure product family from adesso insurance solutions. The project for a new administration system has a total volume of EUR 5 million and runs until 2022, with the aim of streamlining processes, reducing processing times and expanding the strategic potential.
adesso insurance solutions and Versicherungsforen Leipzig present the study on the future of old age pension schemes: Success factor for life insurers - flexible products and services
- A definition of six possible future scenarios
- A discussion between experts from the sectors of economy, politics and academia
- A survey of 300 end customers on the challenges of old-age pensions
- Recommended actions for six areas of activity in the insurance sector
What will the old-age pension scenario be in 10 to 15 years from now? What will be the responsibilities of life insurance and pension funds? What challenges do end-customers see? Answers to this question are provided by the current study of the software company, 'adesso insurance solutions' and 'Versicherungsforen Leipzig'.
Provincial NordWest launches new online commercial insurer in the cloud with support from adesso insurance solutions
The Provinzial NordWest Group relied on adesso's IT expertise for the launch of its new digital commercial insurer andsafe. Corporate customers can now insure themselves at the web address The adesso Group provided the complete IT architecture for this purpose.
Two additional insurance companies are introducing in|sure products for the health insurance segment
With two new successful contract agreements, adesso insurance solutions GmbH underscores the market opportunities of its own in|sure product family in the health insurance sector as well. At the end of 2018, the insurance companies DEVK and uniVersa decided to introduce in|sure standard software solutions for their insurance processes and signed corresponding contracts. The contracts include licenses worth over EUR 4 million, implementation contracts in the single-digit million range and multi-year maintenance contracts.
adesso takes over Collogia Trianova GmbH and updates in|sure with a module for company pensions and working time accounts
adesso insurance solutions GmbH has taken over the full business operations of Cologne-based Collogia Trianova GmbH with more than 30 employees with effect from 31 August 2018. In doing so, adesso is expanding its own range of products and services in the field of company pensions and working time accounts, and is acquiring the CollPhir software solution, which has already had years of success on the market. CollPhir will be integrated into adesso’s in|sure product family as part of the business merger, which means that the standard software solution for the insurance industry will be expanded to include the additional functions. The former CEO of Collogia Trianova, Dr. Michael Höhnerbach, will be a new addition to the management of adesso insurance solutions and will continue to develop services in the field of company pensions, working time accounts and actuarial consulting. A lower seven-figure valuation was agreed upon based on defined conditions.
DKV automates operating processes in care insurance with in|sure Health Claims
DKV, the health insurer of the ERGO Group, has decided to introduce in|sure Health Claims. With the claims management system of adesso insurance solutions, DKV will optimize its billing processes in the area of care insurance.
Insurance solution in|sure PSLife from adesso insurance solutions receives Celent Award for leading technology
The analyst firm Celent has awarded the management system for life insurers in|sure PSLife with the international "XCelent Technology Award 2017". The software solution by adesso insurance solutions receives the award for the second time after 2013.
Premiere for the “Health Insurance Innovation Prize”: adesso announces the winners at Health Executives Day 2018
Yesterday evening, the Health Executives Day 2018 organised by adesso and its insurance subsidiary adesso insurance solutions presented its first innovation prize for the German health insurance sector: the Health Insurance Innovation Prize 2018 for innovative product and service solutions in the fields of statutory and private health insurance went to the companies ottonova and Central. The start-up DOCYET also received a prize in the special category SmartIdea.
adesso insurance solutions takes over FABIS and expands in|sure with modules for sales management and commission settlement
The adesso Group company adesso insurance solutions GmbH is finalizing a complete takeover of FABIS Sales Solutions GmbH & Co. KG from Bamberg and in so doing is expanding its own product portfolio to include standard modules for sales management and commission settlement. The purchase agreement was signed in Dortmund. The agreed purchase price for the company, which has been in the commission settlement business for around 30 years, was EUR 1.5 million in cash. The payment will be made from the liquid assets of adesso insurance solutions GmbH. FABIS will be fully merged into adesso insurance solutions GmbH in the near future. The former managing partner of FABIS will now be responsible for continuing product management in the sector at adesso insurance solutions and developing it further within the adesso Group.
Study by adesso insurance solutions identifies factors that will impact composite insurance in the future
If composite insurers want to ensure their future viability, they must be in control of exponential increases in data volumes and have a command of methods for analyzing them. That was the result of a recent study carried out by adesso insurance solutions and Versicherungsforen Leipzig (Leipzig Insurance Forums).
INTER Versicherungsgruppe commissions new inventory control system developed by adesso insurance solutions GmbH
The new accident insurance inventory control system successfully came online on 12 December 2017 thanks to the partnership between INTER Versicherungsgruppe and adesso insurance solutions GmbH. The entire contract inventory for new business is now managed using the new in|sure General Policy system.
ADVOCARD decides in favour of the solution Heuristic Claims Management by adesso insurance solutions GmbH
In the future, ADVOCARD will be relying on the Heuristic Claims Management solution to automatically process its new claims. This statistically based method developed by adesso insurance solutions can be used to automatically read and process lawyers’ unstructured requests for coverage. From the end of 2018 on, a higher percentage of ADVOCARD Rechtsschutzversicherung AG’s new written claims will be processed in this way.
"Münchener Verein" opts for adesso product in|sure General in the field of property general liability personal accident and motor insurance
To be even better prepared for the increasing digitalisation of the insurance sector, “Münchener Verein Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG” (Münchener Verein) will be using the standard software package offered by adesso insurance solutions GmbH for its composite policies in future. After launching in|sure PSLife for portfolio and claims management for life insurance and in|sure Partner for partner management, with in|sure General, the insurance group is now introducing a further component of the in|sure comprehensive IT package.
INTER Versicherungsgruppe (Insurance Group) successfully introduces in|sure General Claims
The project for the integration of a new claims management system in the field of composites was successfully completed thanks to the cooperation between INTER Versicherungsgruppe (Insurance Group) and adesso insurance solutions GmbH. Complete claims processing is now carried out by the new system, in|sure General Claims.
Barmenia relies on in|sure Health Claims in its care
Right on time with the entry into force of the amendments to the “Pflegestärkungsgesetz II” (PSG II, law to improve care) as of 1 January 2017, Barmenia Krankenversicherung has strengthened its digitalization strategy by adding the care component of the claims settlement system in|sure Health Claims of adesso insurance solutions GmbH.
Generali modernizes the portfolio system Life with in|sure PSLife
Generali in Germany has decided to use PSLife from the adesso product family in|sure within the scope of a Group-wide portfolio system modernization of its Life components. AachenMünchener Lebensversicherung AG will be the first insurance brand of the group to map its new business using the adesso software.
adesso pools its in|sure insurance portfolio at adesso insur-ance solutions GmbH
adesso AG is pooling its in|sure product family insurance portfolio at its subsidiary adesso insurance solutions GmbH. An agreement was signed yesterday on the merger of subsidiary PSLife Consulting GmbH with adesso insurance solutions GmbH. All PSLife Consulting GmbH employees will work at adesso insurance solutions GmbH in future. The former managing director of PSLife Consulting, Harald Narloch, will join the management team of adesso insurance solutions GmbH (ais).
Stuttgarter Versicherungsgruppe opts for General Claims
The Stuttgarter Versicherungsgruppe (The Stuttgart Insurance Group) is replacing its existing legacy system for claims processing in the areas of property/liability insurance as well as accident and supplementary health insurance and is replacing it with “in|sure General Claims”, a solution from the adesso subsidiary adesso insurance solutions GmbH. adesso was commissioned with the introduction into the existing infrastructure and is also developing a solution for claims settlement of supplementary dental insurances.
Münchener Verein Lebensversicherung opts for in|sure PSlife
This year, Münchener Verein Lebensversicherung a.G. initiated a project to set up a new inventory and service management system based on the PSLife software product. The model-based policy administration software for life insurers was developed by PSLife GmbH, a subsidiary of IT service provider adesso. PSLife GmbH and affiliated company PSLife Consulting GmbH are supporting Münchener Verein Lebensversicherung with the introduction and adaptation of the PSLife software solution.
adesso insurance solutions appoints Sven Schlünzen to the Management Board
Sven Schlünzen joined the management of adesso insurance solutions GmbH, a provider of standard software for the insurance industry and a wholly owned subsidiary of adesso SE, in January 2025.
As Managing Director for Sales, Schlünzen will be responsible for all of the company’s sales activities in future. This includes the sales management of the traditional software business as well as the strategic development of the existing business model. Schlünzen will also lead the expansion into new market opportunities, including the platform business, while strengthening collaboration with existing customers and partners. In his new role, he will report directly to Dr Andreas Nolte, Spokesman of the Management Board of adesso insurance solutions.
New project completed with success: SOKA-BAU migrates two million policies with adesso
- Migration project as part of the modernization of the system landscape
- Three million cross-client migrated life insurance policies testify to adesso's project expertis
Earlier this month, SOKA-BAU, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, migrated a total of 1.94 million life insurance policies with the help of adesso insurance solutions.Currently in the midst of a full-scale digitization project designed to automate business processes, SOKA-BAU hopes to create the basis for further digitization and therefore opted for the policy management system in|sure PSLife from adesso insurance solutions.28.11.2023
Efficient benefit management: The Versicherungskammer Group continues to put its trust in adesso insurance solutions
- Group plans to implement in|sure Health Claims into existing systems
- Increased automation in the management of benefits
The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) are continuing to modernize their systems with software from adesso insurance solutions.
After opting for the in|sure Health Policy management system in February 2023, Germany's largest public insurer then decided to implement the in|sure Health Claims benefit management system from the Dortmund software specialists for both its health and long-term care insurance. During the four-year project, adesso insurance solutions will work closely with the VKB Group to help incorporate and customize the new software, and will also take over the maintenance of the system.21.11.2023
Focus on generational differences: How do policyholders' needs differ in the event of a claim?
In the event of a claim - from a minor annoyance to a highly emotional crisis situation - insurers must prove their legitimacy and meet individual expectations. A joint white paper by Versicherungsforen Leipzig and adesso insurance solutions gets to the bottom of the question of whether the needs of the generations are really as different as is often claimed. The core of the white paper is the question of what role digitality plays for customers in the event of a claim and whether a change in their needs can be observed across the different generations. The basis for answering these questions is an online survey conducted in September 2023 among 800 German insurance customers aged between 18 and 73.
The white paper can be downloaded here free of charge.
(Only available in German)11.09.2023
Together against billing fraud in private health insurance
Billing fraud in private health insurance is constantly on the rise. Also because there is only a minimal risk of being discovered or even exposing oneself to prosecution.
adesso insurance solutions and ICO-LUX GmbH take joint action against billing fraud and have therefore entered into a cooperation.
The aim of this cooperation is the creation of standard interfaces to enable the connection of ICO-LUX solutions to in|sure Health Claims. Automated document manipulation detection based on AI and analytics effectively helps health insurance companies to identify fraudulent claims as quickly and thoroughly as possible and prevent unjustified payments - which at the same time can speed up the payment of unsuspicious cases.
Insurers can thus save costs in this saturated market, reduce losses, offer more attractive conditions for insureds, reduce manual processes - and gain in security!
Whitepaper: The search for skilled workers as a driver of change
Together with Versicherungsforen Leipzig, adesso insurance solutions has launched a series of white papers: Under the motto "Change is necessary... Change is possible", important and sometimes even disruptive challenges in the German insurance industry are examined. In addition to analyzes based on expert surveys, possible solutions in the form of best practices are shown.
The first white paper in the series takes a close look at the skills shortage in the insurance industry. The importance of this topic is clear: more than 60 percent of the experts surveyed are convinced that the shortage of skilled workers requires changes in the business model.
The white paper can be downloaded here free of charge.
(Only available in German)26.04.2023
adesso SE informs on the security incident
On 11/01/2023 adesso SE discovered an external cyber attack on January 11, 2023 (we first reported this incident here on 2/2/2023). Immediately after the discovery of this attack, adesso started comprehensive forensic analyses; initially by adesso's internal security team, as of January 16, 2023, additional experienced, external cyber security experts were brought on board.
Update - Status: 4/26/2023, 11:00 a.m.
As of April 26th, 2023, we are informing you about the current results of the forensic investigations.
In summary, the following measures were implemented:
- adesso has meanwhile informed its employees and customers about the forensic findings obtained.
- adesso has taken mitigation measures to further contain the impact of the attack.
- The current findings have been continuously shared with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) since 20th January 2023.
- As a precaution, adesso informed the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LDI NRW) on 23 January 2023.
- Together with external security experts, adesso is working hard to further increase the security of the IT infrastructure in response to the attack.
- The forensic investigations into the origin and course of the cyber attack have largely been completed with the identification of the gateway.
For more information please follow this link.
adesso insurance solutions restructures management
adesso insurance solutions will offer private health insurance companies in|sure Health Securaid, a state-of-the-art software for settling pension and unemployment insurance contributions from nursing care. It also determines payments from nursing care leave and nursing care support allowance. Before the end of the year, this will provide private health insurers with an alternative to the solution that is currently available on the market. The Dortmund-based experts for insurance software are thus expanding their product portfolio within the area of long-term care insurance.
adesso insurance solutions restructures management
adesso insurance solutions GmbH is reorganizing its management team: Managing directors Dr. Alfred Bröckers and Dr. Michael Höhnerbach will retire in the middle of the year and will remain on the management board until then. On March 1, 2023, Jörg Treiner and Dr. Dirk Platz will also be appointed as new managing directors.
Future-proof proposal and proposal management systems: the Versicherungskammer Group trusts adesso insurance solutions
The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) have opted for the software of adesso insurance solutions to modernize the proposal and policy systems of their private health insurance. After an intensive selection process with several joint workshops and a technical proof of concept, the insurance group chose in|sure Health Policy (including the in|sure Health Collective modules) for its collective business, and in|sure Proposal Health for its proposal system.
InterRisk Versicherungs-AG: Future-oriented focus on the application environment with adesso insurance solutions
InterRisk Versicherungs-AG Vienna Insurance Group is planning to modernize its entire application environment and is counting on the component-based architecture of in|sure Ecosphere from adesso insurance solutions. The standard software in|sure Ecosphere offers fully digitalised inventory management and claims management system operations, as well as a "product engine" and essential "peripheral systems". In a selection process that included a comprehensive proof of concept, the adesso subsidiary triumphed over its competitors.
Modernizing the application landscape: Continentale Versicherungsverbund relies on adesso insurance solutions
With the goal of comprehensively modernizing its application landscape, the Continentale Versicherungsverbund has decided on software made by adesso insurance solutions. In order to achieve faster turnaround times and a higher straight through processing rate in its Composite Division, the Dortmund-based insurer relies on in|sure General Claims for claims management. The Composite Division will also be using in|sure General Policy for its portfolio management going forward. A long-term maintenance agreement has been concluded for both components.
Overall modernization of the application landscape: Landeskrankenhilfe relies on IBM and adesso insurance solutions
The Landeskrankenhilfe V.V.a.G. (LKH) in Lüneburg relies on a strong duo for the overall modernization of its system landscape: In addition to the American IT group IBM, which already operated the legacy system of the LKH and will also be the implementation partner for the transformation of the user landscape, adesso insurance solutions GmbH from Dortmund was able to prevail as the software provider.
LKH thus relies on the holistic solutions from the in|sure Ecosphere product family for everything from the quotation process and portfolio and benefit processing to partner management and provisioning.
Expansion: adesso insurance solutions establishes subsidiary in Switzerland
adesso insurance solutions GmbH is growing and expanding into neighboring countries: Under the leadership of Maik Fettig as Managing Director, adesso insurance solutions Schweiz GmbH will use the tailwind of the German parent company to expand existing customer relationships and win new insurance companies as customers. To this end, solutions from the in|sure Ecosphere that are specifically tailored to the Swiss market will serve the needs of Swiss insurance companies, in both the digitalization and modernization of their IT.
Research: Life insurance has a future if it renews itself
InThe “Business Model Life Insurance 2025 - 2030 – A European Perspective” study published by adesso insurance solutions and Versicherungsforen Leipzig forecasts the further development of the business model and offers guidance for the strategic orientation of life insurers.
(available in German only)
Private health insurance: Barmenia relies on in|sure Health Claims for claims accounting
In the future, Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG will be using in|sure Health Claims, the claims management software from adesso insurance solutions, for processing private health insurance claims.
Currently, Barmenia's claims service uses an in-house development that is connected to the in|sure Health Policy management system, which is also from adesso insurance solutions.
The expanded use of these in|sure products is intended to strengthen the future viability of technology and to implement the latest software standards. As part of the overall project, which is scheduled to run until 2024, the existing application will be replaced, the benefit data will be migrated and the new software will be integrated into Barmenia's IT landscape.28.02.2022
adesso insurance solutions acquires a majority stake in the pension strategy consulting firm RIES Corporate Solutions
adesso insurance solutions GmbH has acquired a majority stake in the pension strategy consulting firm RIES Corporate Solutions GmbH. As a specialist for benefit administration software, adesso has thus further expanded its own range of services in the field of occupational benefits (occupational pension schemes, working time accounts and partial retirement) and has integrated legal, strategic, business management and actuarial consulting, as well as insolvency protection and administration, into its portfolio.
Mission ecological biodiversity: adesso insurance solutions committed to bees
The pollination performance of the honey bee ensures the diversity of food. It is mainly responsible for good harvests and ecological biodiversity. A world without bees would have fatal consequences for the ecosystem in general and for us humans in particular. Bees form an important symbiosis with the plant world: bees need the nectar of the plant as food to survive - plants need a pollinator to spread their pollen and thus reproduce. Among all pollinators, the honey bee plays the greatest ecological role: almost 80 percent of all crops and wild plants are pollinated by the Western honey bee.
For these reasons, adesso insurance solutions supports the bee protection initiative PROJEKT 2028 in the DACH-region as a sponsor. The goal: Ten percent more bees in ten years.13.07.2021
ARAG introduces AI-based solution Aisaac to digitize claims notifications from the areas of motor vehicle offenses and traffic offense law
ARAG SE has chosen the AI-based solution Aisaac as a service for the automated data readout i.e. structuring of administrative offenses/crimes in road traffic. The objective is to accelerate and automate processes through the use of technology solutions that lead to a noticeable reduction in the employee workload.
The modular structure of Aisaac should be emphasized. Aisaac can be used in selected specialist areas, under individual specification of which information is to be extracted from the available processes. This makes the step-by-step digitization of entire departments conveniently possible.
Klaus Kozik, Head of the Legal Services Department at ARAG SE:
"We were impressed with Aisaac's process automation offering. In a proof of concept, the high data quality of Aisaac could be proven when compared to other service providers. The outstanding speed in which the data provided by our company was returned as structured data by Aisaac was convincing. We are confident that the combination of high data quality and speed will enable process automation. The productive start of Aisaac in May 2021 has made it possible to have processes handled in an automated manner in a high two-digit percentage rate.03.03.2021
The pension fund of the employees of the Hoechst Group becomes a pilot customer for the new product in|sure PenPay
The Pensionskasse der Mitarbeiter der Hoechst-Gruppe VVaG, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, has decided to comprehensively renew its application landscape based on products from adesso insurance solutions GmbH. Furthermore, a long-term maintenance agreement was also signed. With the pension fund of the employees of the Hoechst Group, adesso insurance solutions won the first customer for its new product, in|sure PenPay. The already diversified product portfolio for pension funds and company pension schemes is thus expanded by adesso insurance solutions to include a settlement system for benefits from the bAV.
Continentale Unterstützungskasse has opted for the provident fund module in|sure CollPhir
The administration of provident fund commitments is technically complex. In order to automate these administrative processes in the future, Continentale Unterstützungskasse decided to use our solution in|sure CollPhir. With in|sure CollPhir, processes such as verification of corporate tax liability, creation of PSV attestations, generation of the commercial and tax balance sheet, administration of payment transactions and much more can be handled easily and in compliance with the law. in|sure CollPhir is the IT solution for the administration and communication of company pension schemes within our application landscape in|sure Ecosphere.
Die Bayerische relies on our IT solution in|sure GovInterface for communication with authorities
Die Bayerische has opted for our product in|sure GovInterface. Within our in|sure product family, in|sure GovInterface is the IT solution for the individual contractual processing of legal reports to authorities. All available data is transferred from the necessary systems via an interface, checked for relevance to the report, prepared accordingly and reported to the authority as a data record. Thereby in|sure GovInterface ensures the completeness of the reports.
Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgruppe introduces in|sure PSLife for the life insurance division
Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgruppe from Hannover has decided to introduce in|sure PSLife from us. In the future, both new business and existing contracts in the life insurance division will be administrated based on in|sure. The go-live with all the current insurance products and rates plus the accompanying portfolio processing is planned for the beginning of 2022. By the end of 2023, all contracts with older rates are expected to have been migrated to the modern administration software.
Pension fund pushes ahead with digitization: SOKA-BAU builds on proven products from us
SOKA-BAU chose the policy management system in|sure PSLife and the software solution MIGSuite for data migration from us. This means that by the middle of 2023, one of the largest pension funds in Germany will have completely reorganized the way it keeps track of its funded pension products. With this alliance, we confirm our leading role as a partner for medium-sized pension companies.
Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung carries out comprehensive IT modernization with our support
Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung (SDK) will carry out a complete modernization of its application landscape until the end of 2025. adesso will support the project as a strategic partner in planning, controlling, implementation and also employee qualification. We were able to convince the SDK with a corresponding package in the tender, which also contains software products specialized on the insurance business. Currently, licenses worth a single-digit million euro amount have been concluded and a joint roadmap for further projects has been developed.
Conclusion of contracts for in|sure implementation signed with Continentale Krankenversicherung and DEVK
In December 2019, two more insurance companies opted for our in|sure-product family. Continentale Krankenversicherung a. G., one of the ten largest private health insurance companies in Germany, will restructure its existing system landscape in the area of portfolio management and benefits management on the basis of in|sure by 2023. In addition to full insurance, one focus will be on the mapping of group contracts using in|sure Health Collective. Following DEVK's decision in the previous year to use in|sure as a product for managing private health insurance, the in|sure PSLife portfolio management system for life insurance policies was also licensed for the pension fund. The software solution in|sure CollPhir for company pension schemes is a fundamental component of this. Together, the concluded contracts comprise licenses worth more than EUR 5 million. In addition, implementation contracts and multi-annual maintenance contracts were concluded.
andsafe wins Diamond Star Award as “Best Digital Insurance Platform”
Congratulations! Yesterday, our client andsafe won the Handelsblatt Diamond Star Award as the “Best Digital Insurance Platform”. We are proud to be a part of this success story. We started the project in 2018 on the “Grüne Wiese” (Green meadow). The new digital commercial insurance was equipped with our in|sure platform and a complete, cloud-based application landscape was set up. So to speak, the insurance infrastructure from the socket à la plug-and-play. We are very happy for andsafe, and once again send a huge thank you for the great cooperation and are already excited about how andsafe will develop further!
Study: “Die Zukunft der Altersvorsorge” (The Future of Retirement Provision) is now available for download
Our new study “Die Zukunft der Altersvorsorge” in cooperation with Versicherungsforen Leipzig has been published. It is a practice-oriented guidebook that shows six future scenarios, defines the role of life insurance and pension funds in them and provides the reader with a large number of recommendations for action. The study is now available in German for free download at
Data migration of 1.1 million contracts at Barmenia to the new portfolio management system
As part of the implementation and introduction of in|sure Health Policy at Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG, the complete portfolio of a total of 1.1 million private health insurance policies was transferred to the new portfolio management system this year, following the successful migration of the portfolios of the foreign travel health insurance 2016 and the compulsory care insurance 2017. This means that both the new and the modified business of Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG is now managed in the new portfolio management system in|sure Health Policy. adesso insurance solutions provided leading methodological and technical support for the portfolio migration. In addition, our data migration tool MIGSuite MIGSuite, was used for the revision-proof storage and transformation of legacy data into the target structure.
“ad hoc” reporting directly from the business applications of the entire in|sure product family
As an official OEM partner of the business intelligence specialist Qlik, we now offer the reporting and visualization component Qlik Sense as part of our in|sure products. It allows you to create interactive reports and dashboards with comprehensive diagrams and graphics based on our in|sure data. A one-time integration in advance is all that is needed, and the business user can then create reports independently and quickly – without having to use internal IT resources or data from the central database. For example, after a storm has passed, a claims manager is able to immediately carry out corresponding evaluations on the in|sure loss portfolio and prepare them in a visually appealing way.
adesso records highest license sales of the in|sure product family for the insurance industry in the second quarter of 2019 so far
adesso insurance solutions GmbH achieves the highest license sales of a quarter so far with its proprietary in|sure product family for the insurance industry. In the first six months of 2019 alone, the volume of sales generated with licenses reached more than EUR 9 million, which is already significantly higher than the total for the year 2018. Two health insurance policies, one life insurance policy and the new online commercial insurer Provinzial NordWest contributed to the sales volume.
Expansion of our management
On 06/01/2019, we welcomed Dr. Werner Breitfuss as a new member of the management board. He will be responsible for the areas of property insurance, commission, partner administration and payment transactions.
Dr. Breitfuss, who holds a degree in business information technology, earned his doctorate in the field of AI and robotics at the University of Tokyo. Previously, he was in charge of the worldwide strategic development of IT solutions for property insurance, in particular for portfolio management and claims management, at an American software manufacturer for insurance solutions.
Interview on advantages and disadvantages of cloud technology published in VVWheute
Our managing director Oliver von Ameln considers “cloud technology to be one of the major topics in the insurance industry, alongside artificial intelligence”. In a recent interview with the German insurance magazine VVWheute, he spoke about the “light and shadow” of the technology:
Expansion of drebis by drebis fast lane for motor vehicle claims
With drebis fast lane, attorneys* can now report their clients' liability reports to motor vehicle insurance companies even faster and easier via our drebis-portal. Only a few mandatory details are requested and the damage report is transmitted digitally and securely to the insurance companies via our portal. In addition, drebis fast lane is not only free of charge for attorneys*, but they also receive a flat-rate payment of EUR 25.00 for each reported motor vehicle claim. By connecting to drebis fast lane, motor vehicle insurance companies have the advantage of receiving structured, digital data that can be processed directly in their own systems. Further information on drebis fast lane is available here.
Health Executives Day 2019: successfully exploiting the opportunities of the digital revolution
Together with adesso AG, we invited – already for the 4th time – numerous decision-makers and experts from the field of GKV (statutory health insurance) and PKV (private health insurance) to our Health Excecutive Day. Current aspects of digitalization and options for action for the health care market were presented and discussed in exciting technical contributions and at our Expert Tables. Prof. Dr. Wasem from the University of Duisburg, for example, spoke about the challenges for statutory and private health insurance resulting from medical progress and demographic development. And profiler Suzanne Grieger-Lange showed how power profiling methods can be used for the digital transformation in the healthcare system.
Digisurance 2019: We were there as sponsor and exhibitor!
This year, we took part in Digisurance in Berlin for the first time. This exciting event format aims to bring start-ups and insurers together and present projects and collaborations that are already working. One highlight was the board panel “From Cost Center to Profit Center: Does the future belong to this ‘buy and bill’ model”, in which our Managing Director, Oliver von Ameln, also took part in the discussion on the challenges.
5 years adesso insurance solutions GmbH
Happy birthday to us! Four years ago, adesso AG decided to bundle its product portfolio for the insurance market into an independent company and founded the product house adesso insurance solutions. Since then, we have grown steadily and now offer not only standard software for complete application landscapes of all insurance sectors, but also count more than 200 product and insurance specialists among our team.
New business model: Two pension funds in Cologne, Germany, are getting fit for the future with software from adesso insurance solutions
In order to comprehensively modernize their application landscapes, the pension funds Pensionskasse der Caritas VVaG (PKC) and Kölner Pensionskasse VVaG i.L. (KPK) have opted for standard software from adesso insurance solutions' in|sure Ecosphere product family. PKC and KPK have also signed long-term maintenance agreements. The implementation project was launched on April 1, 2022 and is planned to run for almost two years. The aim is to keep the system landscape and the processes sustainable in the long run and to use additional strategic potentials for the new business models of the two German pension funds.
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Nils Roos
+49 170 4406 148
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