Our products

The insurance software that adapts to your daily business.

Core insurance systems like policy manage­ment systems and software for processing claims often fall short: they are developed for a day X and remain in that state. in|sure does things differently. Not only does it harmoniously inte­grate itself in your system, it also evolves with market needs. Whether it is policy and product manage­ment or claims manage­ment, partner, management of benefit pay-­outs, end-to-end process control and a central user interface for processing claims.

In addition, we provide a system for software-supported data migration and a self-learning AI for dark processing without media breaks: We are with you every step of the way.

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Case Studies

For our customers we are software developers and management consultants.

Although we offer standard software, no two projects are alike. We accompany our customers from the first concept to the established practice. These are some of our success­ful projects:

  • Advocard
  • Rabobank
  • hoechster-logo-anthrazit-oR
  • ARAG
  • Mecklenburgische
  • DEVK
  • LBBW
  • Stuttgarter
  • andsafe
  • Barmenia
  • Debeka
  • DKV
  • Deka
  • Generali
  • inter Versicherungsgruppe
  • Muenchener Verein
  • R+V
  • Continentale
  • helvetia
  • Bayerische


News from adesso insurance solutions

Here you will find the latest news from our world - from upcoming and past events to the small and large peculiarities of our everyday business life.

  • 04.02.2025

    adesso insurance solutions appoints Sven Schlünzen to the Management Board

    Sven Schlünzen joined the management of adesso insurance solutions GmbH, a provider of standard software for the insurance industry and a wholly owned subsidiary of adesso SE, in January 2025.

    As Managing Director for Sales, Schlünzen will be responsible for all of the company’s sales activities in future. This includes the sales management of the traditional software business as well as the strategic development of the existing business model. Schlünzen will also lead the expansion into new market opportunities, including the platform business, while strengthening collaboration with existing customers and partners. In his new role, he will report directly to Dr Andreas Nolte, Spokesman of the Management Board of adesso insurance solutions.

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    New project completed with success: SOKA-BAU migrates two million policies with adesso

    • Migration project as part of the modernization of the system landscape
    • Three million cross-client migrated life insurance policies testify to adesso's project expertis

    Earlier this month, SOKA-BAU, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, migrated a total of 1.94 million life insurance policies with the help of adesso insurance solutions.Currently in the midst of a full-scale digitization project designed to automate business processes, SOKA-BAU hopes to create the basis for further digitization and therefore opted for the policy management system in|sure PSLife from adesso insurance solutions.

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    Efficient benefit management: The Versicherungskammer Group continues to put its trust in adesso insurance solutions

    • Group plans to implement in|sure Health Claims into existing systems
    • Increased automation in the management of benefits

    The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) are continuing to modernize their systems with software from adesso insurance solutions.
    After opting for the in|sure Health Policy management system in February 2023, Germany's largest public insurer then decided to implement the in|sure Health Claims benefit management system from the Dortmund software specialists for both its health and long-term care insurance. During the four-year project, adesso insurance solutions will work closely with the VKB Group to help incorporate and customize the new software, and will also take over the maintenance of the system.


    Focus on generational differences: How do policyholders' needs differ in the event of a claim?

    In the event of a claim - from a minor annoyance to a highly emotional crisis situation - insurers must prove their legitimacy and meet individual expectations. A joint white paper by Versicherungsforen Leipzig and adesso insurance solutions gets to the bottom of the question of whether the needs of the generations are really as different as is often claimed. The core of the white paper is the question of what role digitality plays for customers in the event of a claim and whether a change in their needs can be observed across the different generations. The basis for answering these questions is an online survey conducted in September 2023 among 800 German insurance customers aged between 18 and 73.

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    Dr. Andreas Nolte appointed spokesman for the management of adesso insurance solutions

    Nolte will join the leadership team of adesso insurance solutions GmbH with effect from 1 January 2024, taking on the role of spokesman for the management. A mathematics graduate and actuary with a PhD in computer science, he became managing director of Afida GmbH in early 2023 and has been in charge of the company’s runoff business based on the in|sure platform. Nolte previously worked for the Allianz Group for many years, ten of which as CIO. He succeeds Oliver von Ameln, who is leaving the management of adesso insurance solutions as part of a reorganisation.

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    Whitepaper: The search for skilled workers as a driver of change

    Together with Versicherungsforen Leipzig, adesso insurance solutions has launched a series of white papers: Under the motto "Change is necessary... Change is possible", important and sometimes even disruptive challenges in the German insurance industry are examined. In addition to analyzes based on expert surveys, possible solutions in the form of best practices are shown.

    The first white paper in the series takes a close look at the skills shortage in the insurance industry. The importance of this topic is clear: more than 60 percent of the experts surveyed are convinced that the shortage of skilled workers requires changes in the business model.

    The white paper can be downloaded here free of charge.
    (Only available in German)


    adesso SE informs on the security incident

    On 11/01/2023 adesso SE discovered an external cyber attack on January 11, 2023 (we first reported this incident here on 2/2/2023). Immediately after the discovery of this attack, adesso started comprehensive forensic analyses; initially by adesso's internal security team, as of January 16, 2023, additional experienced, external cyber security experts were brought on board.

    Update - Status: 4/26/2023, 11:00 a.m.

    As of April 26th, 2023, we are informing you about the current results of the forensic investigations.

    In summary, the following measures were implemented:

    • adesso has meanwhile informed its employees and customers about the forensic findings obtained.
    • adesso has taken mitigation measures to further contain the impact of the attack.
    • The current findings have been continuously shared with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) since 20th January 2023.
    • As a precaution, adesso informed the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LDI NRW) on 23 January 2023.
    • Together with external security experts, adesso is working hard to further increase the security of the IT infrastructure in response to the attack.
    • The forensic investigations into the origin and course of the cyber attack have largely been completed with the identification of the gateway.

    For more information please follow this link.


    adesso insurance solutions has a new solution for settling pension and unemployment insurance contributions from nursing care

    adesso insurance solutions will offer private health insurance companies in|sure Health Securaid, a state-of-the-art software for settling pension and unemployment insurance contributions from nursing care. It also determines payments from nursing care leave and nursing care support allowance. Before the end of the year, this will provide private health insurers with an alternative to the solution that is currently available on the market. The Dortmund-based experts for insurance software are thus expanding their product portfolio within the area of long-term care insurance.

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    adesso insurance solutions restructures management

    adesso insurance solutions GmbH is reorganizing its management team: Managing directors Dr. Alfred Bröckers and Dr. Michael Höhnerbach will retire in the middle of the year and will remain on the management board until then. On March 1, 2023, Jörg Treiner and Dr. Dirk Platz will also be appointed as new managing directors.

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